RBA Blog

RBA’s experts. A generous helping of topics on Strategy, Design, and Technology. What’s not to like? Check out our latest posts below.

Using the Cloud to Service More Customers at Once

Using the Cloud to Service More Customers at Once

Big data has permeated every aspect of our digital lives. As consumers, we don't really recognize big data in practice, but we certainly notice the benefits—the convenience of things like real-time...

PaaS – The Engine for Agile Innovation

PaaS – The Engine for Agile Innovation

The Internet is an exponential environment. With more technology choices, development strategies, and varied products available than ever before, businesses continue to seek out ways to...

Digital Workplace: The Term of the Year

Digital Workplace: The Term of the Year

Believe it or not, failed intranets are more common than ever, and one of the biggest mistakes companies make is focusing too much on the technology of a specific platform. Luckily, this is easily...