The first installment of this two part series on duplicate detection in CRM 2011 addressed enabling duplicate detection as well as creating and editing rules. This installment will include the steps to run a rule on a list of records as well as creating and scheduling duplicate detection jobs.
Run duplicate detection from a list of records
You may start duplicate detection from any list of records including the results of an Advanced Find provided duplicate detection is enabled and at least one rule is published rule for the record type.
1) With the list of records displayed, select one or more of the records.
2) Click on the Detect Duplicates icon in the Records section of the ribbon.
3) Chose the desired option: For selected records or For all records on all pages.
4) Enter the name of the job – this will default for you, but you may modify.
5) Slect the date and time the job should start – this will also default for you, but you may modify.
6) Click OK. The job will run in the background at the specified time and send an email to you when it is completed.
7) After you receive notification the job has completed, navigate to Workplace>My Work>Duplicate Detection and double click the job to open it.
8) Click on View Duplicates under Common.
9) The top list displays each record that has potential duplicates. When you select one of these records, the bottom list displays all the potential duplicates for the selected record.
10) To view a record from either list, you may double click on it to evaluate the records.
11) In the list of potential duplicates, select a record that you wish to take action on and select the desired action:
a. More Actions>Edit to edit the record.
b. More Actions>Deactivate to deactivate the record.
c. Merge>Select Master to merge the two records.
d. X to delete the record
12) When you are done resolving the potential duplicates, click on Close in the ribbon.
Create and schedule duplicate detection jobs to run at regular intervals
There are two options for scheduling a job to run at regular intervals. You may have noticed the first option in the preceding section. When running duplicate detection from a list of records, you have the option to set it to run at regular intervals:
The second option is to run the Duplicate Detection Wizard:
1) Navigate to Workplace>My Work>Duplicate Detection and click on New.
2) Click Next.
3) Select the Record type.
4) Specify the Criteria; you may use a saved view or enter criteria manually.
5) Click Next.
6) Enter the name of the job – this will default for you, but you may modify.
7) Select the date and time the job should start – this will also default for you, but you may modify; it is recommended that you run scheduled jobs during off hours.
8) Select the option to Run the job after every and select the interval.
9) By default an email notification will be send to you when the job has completed, you may specify others that should receive the email as well or you may opt to have no email notifications sent.
10) Click Next.
11) Click Submit.
12) You may follow steps 7 through 12 in the preceding section to view and resolve potential duplicates.
Creating the rules that match your business needs and scheduling duplicate detection jobs to run at regular intervals will help to keep your CRM data clean.