by RBA | Nov 21, 2017 | Cloud, Digital Workplace, Flow, Office 365, Portals & Collaboration, Power Apps, SharePoint, SharePoint Online |
Introduction and Business Case I’m wrapping up a 6-month project as a Solution Architect and Business Analyst on a project for a global company that runs capital build (new production wing to an existing facility or brand new production facility) projects. ...
by Rachelle Epley | Nov 17, 2017 | Digital Enterprise, Digital Experience, Digital Strategy, Digital Workplace, Project Management |
Recently I had the opportunity to attend the Digital Project Management Summit (#DPM2017) for the second time in three years. When I attended for the first time back in 2015 I remember feeling this overwhelming sense of belonging as I interacted with other Summit...
by RBA | Apr 19, 2017 | Digital Experience, Digital Strategy, Digital Workplace, Marketing, Portals & Collaboration |
Over the past few years, workplaces have slowly transitioned from physical office spaces to much more flexible ‘digital workplaces,’ where employees are connected by modern collaboration tools instead of just shared work environments. According to a 2015 global...
by RBA | Aug 16, 2016 | Analytics, Design, Digital Enterprise, Digital Experience, Digital Strategy, Digital Workplace, Project Management |
“Tell me about a successful project you’ve run.” “Tell me about a project you’ve been a part of that was not successful. What happened?” These are two very subjective questions that a Digital Project Manager may hear as part of a job interview or that a sales team may...
by RBA | May 26, 2016 | Digital Enterprise, Digital Workplace, Portals & Collaboration, SharePoint |
Do you remember when an intranet for a company consisted of HTML files that linked to internal documents and websites outside of an organization? In days past, intranets always started within the information technology (IT) departments of organizations. Why? Because...
by RBA | Apr 7, 2016 | Cloud, Digital Enterprise, Digital Workplace, Portals & Collaboration, SharePoint |
Oftentimes, buried deep within an organization and without a significant source of funding, are countless line of business teams that are responsible for processes and content that are critical in their own right. (Any team within an organization constitutes a...